
Some of My Grandparents Quotes

We worked hard on the dairy farm in Wisconsin, long days, but a lot of time spent with both our parents and grandparents who always had answers for everything.  These were frugal folks and normally a few words said a whole lot as is evident from the quotes below.

"Mine is Not The Reason Why, Mine Is But To Do Or Die"
"You Can't Make a Silk Purse Out Of A Sows Ear"

“Many hands make light work.”

"My Oh My, How Time Flies, Tomorrow Seems Like Yesterday"
"The Apple Never Falls Far From The Tree, It Just Keeps Rolling"
"Never Did I see So Much Dumbness In One Person"
"You Made Your Bed, Now you can Lay In it"
"While picking stones from fields, horribly boring job!-------Aren't all these stones just beautiful"
"If you Can't Say Something Nice, Don't Say Anything At All"
"If you Mean To Do A Thing And Mean To Do It Really, Never Leave It Till It's Done But Do It Fully Freely"
"Sawed It Off Three Times and It's Still Too Short"
"You Can Fool Some of The People Some of The Time and Some of The People All of The Time, But You Can't Fool All The People All The Time"
"Men Work From Sun To Sun, but A Women's Work is Never Done"
"When a Job is Once Begun, Never Leave It Till It's Done, Be the Labor Great Or Small, Do it Well, Or Not At All"
"An Idle Mind Is A Devil's Workshop"
"If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It"
"The Faster I Go The Behinder I Get"
"A Stich in Time Saves Nine"
"Who Knows, Tomorrow May Be Better, Just Stick Around, You'll See"
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness"
"Pain, We Don't Have Time For That"