
Voightshagen Cemetery
As part of our quest to determine the fate of the cemetery of Voightshagen where Mathilde Heuer was buried we went to Stettin to the departmental archive office.  It was there we were able to get a copy of May 9, 1987 Voightshagen Cemetery document.  If you take the time to review each page of this document it becomes clear that there are no plans to preserve or restore this church and property.  

What was quite interesting is, on this document, it shows nine crosses that were still standing in 1987.  When we were there, there was only one, that being the one hidden in the row of trees.  Mind you, these crosses were embedded in cement, they weren't blown over by the wind, but it took an effort to break them off and discard them. 

What happened to the Lutheran Cemeteries (which contained almost 100% Germans) in Poland after 1945 when Poland was liberated by the Russians is quite simple.  They were systematically destroyed.  It is understandable to a degree because of the animosity held for the Germans who had, years before annexed this Polish land, occupied it and for years, in the eyes of the Polish had treated them with little respect. After the war, there was no great desire to maintain or otherwise be reminded of the Germans occupation.

Each of the following sheets are written in Polish, however, I have had a friend of mine translate the document and I have posted the translation on each of the pages.

cemetery11.gif (169395 bytes)


 (549182 bytes)

Page 1--Original Polish Archival Document for the Woldarka Voightshagen  Church Cemetery

Page 2 -of May 9, 1987 Polish Archival Document for the Woldarka Voightshagen  Church Cemetery

cemetery 3.gif (148418 bytes)

cemetery4.gif (322774 bytes)

Page 3 -of May 9, 1987 Polish Archival Document for the Woldarka Voightshagen  Church Cemetery

Page 4 -of May 9, 1987 Polish Archival Document for the Woldarka Voightshagen  Church Cemetery